Dr Robert O Young

Dr Robert O Young (born March 6, 1952) is an American entrepreneur and author of alternative medicine books promoting an alkaline diet. His most popular works are the "Ph Miracle" series of books, which outline his beliefs about holistic healing and an "alkalarian" lifestyle. According to a book review by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, some aspects of his diet, such as the emphasis on eating green leafy vegetables and exercise, would likely be healthy; however, the diet overall "is not a healthy way to lose weight.

Robert O Young resides in Alpine, Utah, as well as Rancho Del Sol, an avocado and grapefruit ranch in Valley Center, California, with his wife, Shelley Redford Young. Together, they run the PH Miracle Center, farm alkaline fruits and vegetables, hold health retreats, and teach live blood analysis and seminars on what they refer to as "The New Biology", which promotes an alkaline diet and a physically active, low-stress lifestyle.

Dr Robert Young came to prominence after appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show centred on his treatment of Kim Tinkham for breast cancer. Tinkham and Dr Robert Young both claimed that he had cured her, but she died of her disease shortly afterwards. Quackwatch describes Dr Robert Young's claims to be a distinguished researcher as "preposterous", notes that his credentials come mainly from unaccredited schools, and characterises his ideas as "fanciful".[8] He was arrested in January 2014 and is on trial, pleading not guilty to charges of theft and practising medicine without a license.

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