Designer, Consultant, and Small Business Owner in Kenya


Designer, Consultant, and Small Business Owner in Kenya

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Hi, I’m EMMA. I’m a landscape & interior designer at my own firm Prime Homes & Gardens Ltd living in Kenya. I am a big fan of urban design, photography, and Environmental protection. I’m also interested in volunteering and gardening.

Former model, former Face Of Africa to Elite Look of The Year and to crown it, People's Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People 2006...

I speak my mind all the times, at times to my own detriment, but I know it has and will always serve me well.

My motto in life, 'No one else is your biggest motivator other than yourself'.... Always make a conscious choice to see the good and the positives in every situation in life, see the beauty in life, and travel the world... it will open doors and your mind to all the above. Life is too short to live it in fear of the unknown.

I'm a proud Kenyan woman, and most importantly Veronica's daughter.

  • Work
    • Prime Homes & Gardens Ltd