Faculty Row

As it is clear in the modern world, job security is no longer permanent or assured. This also goes for academics like professors who are constantly looking for a side gig to supplement their low income. With the help of Jeffrey Finder, professors can now have their way in terms of earning from their knowledge. This is thanks to Faculty Row site which provides a platform where professors can offer their services of lecturing to students online. Mr. Finder is the C.E.O and founder of the site brings rare hope to the never ending hustles of professors, financially.

How does Faculty Row work?

The Manhattan based site works the same way as LinkedIn where members of the site will showcase their qualifications on their profiles for students to see. This will help them to exchange professional to professional ideas. This away, students who need their help can access their profiles and find their match. This makes finding a super professor on the site easier. Although Mr. Finder benefits from such interactions, the big impact is felt by the professors who get to earn their due in monetary terms.

For Mr. Finder to raise the profiles of experts, he promotes them to super professor positions where they become prominent experts in their work. Also, he sends out press releases to broadcast their ideas and research. Members can also post their videos, live broadcast and researches on the site to share with other members. This sets out a learning environment where academics can share knowledge on the same platform.

Is Faculty Row legitimate?

With the many spam sites online promising heaven for their members, it can be difficult to trust any site. Faculty Row site was established in 2009 to connect educators, researchers and learners in the community. However the site boasts of having around 25,000 members who are also active on the site. This includes professors from New York and Columbia universities. With such support from high ranking institutional professionals, it is no doubt that it is a success.

By looking at Faculty Row review for 2013 only in terms of revenue, the site registered about $500,000 which is indeed profitable. This kind of revenue stipulates how the site has become a success for both the founder and mostly to professors who depend on it. They have been able to monetize their knowledge through online lecturing.

There is no Faculty Row spam on the site. Eve