Foundation for Excellence in Giving

Louisville, KY

Foundation for Excellence in Giving

Louisville, KY

I'm an Speaker, Author...

Leadership Coach...
Counsel to Non-Profits, Faith-based Organizations and Congregations...
Adjunct Professor of Communication at the University of Kentucky...
Spiritual Teacher...
Inspirational and Motivational Speaker.
But not always in this order.

On the university campus, I teach students the Art of Communication.

In my public talks, however, I teach leaders the Art of Leading; I teach everyone the Art of that...

when you come to the end...
and, you will come to the end...
You're able to look back on life feeling...

Content, Peaceful, and Happy, too...
Knowing your brief but important journey has made this world a more...

Compassionate, and...
Charitable place.

What could possibly be more important than this?

  • Work
    • Foundation for Excellence in Giving, Inc.
  • Education
    • BA, MDiv, DMin