George Nesbit

Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroittttttttttt. I was shot and stabbed, by my next door neighborrrrrrrrrrrrrrr THAT'S THE LIFE! IN DETROIT! A REAL SHITHOLE, TO BE CERTAIN! BUT LIFE GOES ON! UNLESS YOU DIE! WHICH GOD KNOWS WILL PROBALLY HAPPEN INNNNNNNNNNNNNN DETROIT! Hey, I'm George. We'll never meet (unless we do, at which point, I'll cover my face with my hair to hide from you.) I'm a mildly openly gay kid, working on spreading that. Kinda. Eh, I'll get on it later. I really enjoy History, and I am a nerd for all things gaming. I also have a love of skinny jeans. God only knows why, could be because of my thin legs. Crazy talk though. Well, if you've read this long, I happen to have a deviantart and a facebook, but I dunno if you want to take a gander at either of those, (Yay, friendly strangers!). That's about it, thanks for reading a long description about me and a random song on Detroit I thought of while typing this!