Greg Solesbee

Small Business Owner, Husband, and Parent in Hayden, Idaho

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Our journey starts with my parents Martha and Wendell. They started their family business, Solesbee Auto Crafts back in 1969. Wendell converted a low chicken coupe into his first makeshift shop. At this time Wendell was still moonlighting this career passion while he was working full time as an Electronic Engineer. My dad Wendell was working during the day while my mom Martha was at home raising 4 children, pregnant, and sanding cars to be ready for him when he came home. What an example of companionship and team work!

I grew up in this business. Worked with all 3 of my brothers and various extended family members. I am very grateful for my brothers' examples and the training they extended to me throughout the years. They are a big part of who I am today, and have really enjoyed all the fun moments we have had together.

Age 35 and ready to make a MOVE!

My wife and myself have a passion for business. We enjoy hearing from the employees and their ideas to make things run smoother. After awhile it became apparent that my family and ourselves did not have the same goals. We wanted to see the business become more. After nearly 2 years of demographic research we decided to leave the family business, sell everything, become homeless, pack up our 4 kids, a dog and a chicken into our 5th wheel and head out to the future! (Northern Idaho)

It wasn't until we were on the road and driving that my wife received a call from our good friends John and Lisa Brewster. There was a opening as Camp Host in the City of Harrison. This allowed us to park for free and get paid to run the camp ground. What a blessing!

After a few days at our new "home" we told our two oldest (15 and 12 year olds) that we would no long provide their lunches and they would have to find a way to help out. Zachry found a job as a Buss boy at the local Landing working 36hrs a week! His brother Colin got a job washing rental boats. Unexpectedly our 8yr old Asher, after seeing his brothers, was determined to find a way to make money also. He would ask the campers if he could fish for them. When one would say yes he would then fish for nearly 10hrs a day. After catching he would take it to one of them and say "I caught your fish, and I take donations". His little 5 yr old sister would go with him and say, "I helped". They would both come back with money LOL!.

We are grateful for this experience. So many have helped us to get here. Our hope is to pass on the help to others trying to do the same! Thank you all!

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