Inamullah Ansari

Digital Inclusivity And Diversity Advocate, Freelance Legal Retainer, and LawyersOnWheels-Home Visits Attorney in Karachi, Pakistan

Call +923002176393

Home / Hospital / Assisted Living Visits Available!

Structured Counseling For The Prevention & Minimizing Litigation!

Speaking Out For Those Who Can't Or Won't Speak Because of Fear / Shame / Guilt / Stigmatization!

LawyersOnWheels Is Working Under The Domain Of Mental Health Pakistan Accredited MINDS — Optimizing BRAINS Studying Attitudes & Mapping Violence. A Dedicated State-Of-The-Art Project Of Khair For Families Australia!

Full-Fledged Lawyers-Cum-Forensics Law Advocates High & Supreme Courts as Freelance Special Retainers on an as-needed basis / Ongoing Litigation Interventions / Correspondents / Legal Process Outsourcing Associates Attorneys For Occasional Legal Advice, Sessions & Drafting Contracts on a Periodic Or for a Specific Case Or Mediations "A Go-b/w Due Diligence" Project(s).

Having trouble fitting in dreaded paperwork with work & family, looking after relatives or dealing with dementia or illness, divorcing or moving home Our Structured Corporate & Transactional Attorneys are here to help out.

We assist clients in preparing the documents necessary to protect their independence, their children & give them a voice in the event of incapacity or death & provide a surviving spouse with security & comfort.

We pride ourselves on the constant dedication & utmost professionalism in fulfilling documentation services. We offer years of expertise in the fields of process service, legal filings, deliveries, general courier, regulatory office, court record search, document retrieval, trial court setup, facility management, etc.

Lawyers That Go To You!
We understand with work and family life you have a number of commitments making it challenging to take time off to travel to a law office outside of the city with limited business hours. With our Lawyer On Wheels service, we offer mobile signings across Karachi.

LawyersOnWheels is a service offered that realizes that many people cannot come to our Chambers due to age, disabilities, transportation having trouble fitting in dreaded paperwork with work & a family, looking after relatives or dealing with Dementia, Alzheimer's, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Terminal Cancer Or any other Psychiatric Illnesses & young deaths in the families, divorcing or moving home Attorney Ansari will come to your house, prepare the documents & bring them back to your place to sign.



  • Work
    • Mental Health Pakistan!