Ingrid Oliphant
Shaman, Healer, and Wisdom-Keeper in Helena, Montana
Ingrid Oliphant
Shaman, Healer, and Wisdom-Keeper in Helena, Montana
Seer, Shaman, Weaver, Wisdom-Keeper in the Company of Christ
We have gone by many names over many lifetimes. One time our name was Jesus and I am He. I am we. And we are again. In his name we don't pray. In his name we are. We are now. I AM. Now. This time my name is Ingrid.
Entering into this work will redefine you. It will embolden you as a human being.
You will know your own gifted nature, feel consciously connected with the Divine other, forever entwined.
Join me in walking into the light.
My philosophy is simple. My language coarse. My heart open. My hands warm.
Be healed. Be hold. Behold your own divinity.