Issam Shalhoub

Consultant and Project Manager in Florida

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Issam Shalhoub is the top real estate expert of Florida. He is largely known for the friendship and relationship he builds with his clients. My network of many offices enables me to perform in any areas of Florida and Massachusetts.

Issam Shalhoub lot of new real estate investors start off by going to a seminar or a boot camp, then go home to implement what they have learned. If Issam Shalhoub have attended such events as a newbie property investor, then Issam Shalhoub probably know that the process of implementing what Issam Shalhoub have learned can be an uphill task even though you have all the overall information.

Some property investors implement it straight away, others struggle through it before getting it right. Issam Shalhoub Joining a real estate investors club can drastically reduce the time Issam Shalhoub spend putting the pieces together and make you a more successful real estate investor.

Seasoned property investors benefit a lot from these clubs, not just new investors.

Here are some of the benefits of joining a property investment club.

1) Identify your power team Issam Shalhoub

Issam Shalhoub will need to work with a title company, contractors, property agents, etc, as well as settle on a business model.

Most property club meetings are sponsored by service providers that can form part of your power team. Issam Shalhoub can have the luxury of finding all members of your dream team under one roof and get the best service providers in your local market. Investors in those groups are likely to recommend the best service providers.