Jane Schwartz Gates

Designer in Los Angeles, California

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Jane is a painter, illustrator and cartoonist as well as a horticulturist, landscape designer and licensed landscape contractor -- who wants to share the connectedness of all life in her writing, gardening and art work. "I believe people would find much more peace and joy if they focused more on the miracles of nature and the uniqueness of all life."

Jane has shown her art in galleries all over the world and is featured in "100 Artists of the West Coast II". She has written thousands of Internet and print articles on landscape design and gardening. Her entertaining gardening book, "All the Garden's a Stage: Choosing the Best Performing Plants for a Sustainable Garden" (by Schiffer Books) is available in bookstores and online. Also check out her Kindle book "Design a Theme Garden". Jane is a member of the Garden Writers Association and the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. She's won international awards for her landscape designs and writing. She enjoys speaking at garden-related events and you can see some of her plant illustrations on the 2013 Lilly Miller (Ferry-Morse) seed packets.

More of Jane's paintings

How to design a do-it-yourself garden plan

How to Grow a Vertical Garden or Living Wall

Jane's illustrations and cartoons

The Picture Perfect Landscape exposed

Desert Landscaping

  • Work
    • Gates & Croft Horticultural Design
  • Education
    • Rhode Island School of Design
    • Academia di Belle Arti di Perugia
    • Atlier 17 (Paris)