Jeff Wilson

Pastor, Husband, and Disciple in Elizabethtown, KY

Jeff Wilson

Pastor, Husband, and Disciple in Elizabethtown, KY

Read my blog

I'm a follower of Christ, a husband, a father of two great sons, a grandfather to three, a brother to 2, a son, an uncle to 7 and a friend to many on this journey called life. I have the opportunity to be the Executive Pastor at a great church in Elizabethtown, KY. I'm passionate about leading and equipping people in the church and communicating the the Gospel utilizing the latest technology, to the most amount of people. I'm also an avid photographer who loves to capture slices of life and share them with others. You can follow what's happening in my life, my work, and my hobbies through one of the media below.

  • Work
    • Executive Pastor
  • Education
    • BS from Oklahoma Baptist University
    • MARE from SWBTS