Jessie Storm

Jessie is a woman of many names... Jess... Storm... Stormy and even sometimes still, the nick name that never fully went away from childhood...Smelly...Thanks dad

Living most of her life in Ontario, Jessie got the bug to travel very young and at the age of 19 decided to make the world a little smaller by exploring some of it! She saw the beauty of France & The UK, having even worked and lived in the northern town of Leeds. This adventure in Europe created a new passion or thirst in Jessie for knowledge of the world and how it works, so naturally out came the gypsy! That coupled with her genuine love for helping people and meeting new friends, meant broadcasting was inevitable. In October of 2010, having relocated to Vancouver from a small town in Ontario, Jessie's inner gypsy took a break and she found herself attending broadcasting school at Columbia Academy. A great hands on school that now operates under the umbrella of Vanarts, a Media Arts school in downtown Vancouver. Thanks to the school, teachers and other students Jessie... or as she came to be known "Storm" gained a love and passion for broadcasting arts she never knew possible!

In her free time Storm loves to try new things, meet new people and help whoever needs it! Music keeps her going, dancing is a must and anything creative is where she shines! Though like a Storm, she is a force that will keep you guessing and isn’t easily moved!