John Rowley

Writer in Raleigh, North Carolina

John Rowley

Writer in Raleigh, North Carolina

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Every day I start over. This picture of me and Donald Trump is how I see life. Cool things happen but they are a blip on the screen. Anyone can have an impressive press release. Its dangerous to believe it. Which I have done. Now in my 50's I know who I am. I have almost died. So I learned to live. I am loved. So I learned to love. I have had my life changed. So I strive to change the lives of others.

One died so I might live. I live so He may be glorified. I am an author of books. He is the author of life. How can I, a mere creation be important, when all I am is a well worn tool in the masters hands. When I hear "well done good and faithful servant" I will know I lived a life worth living.

I'm also an author, speaker, host of a TV & Radio show as well as a fitness/lifestyle expert.

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