Justin Griggs

Justin is the Head of Policy and Development at the National Association of Local Councils.

NALC is the nationally recognised membership and support organisation representing the interests of 9,000 local (parish and town) councils and their 80,000 local councillors in England.

He has responsibility for NALC’s policy, public affairs and parliamentary work as well as improvement and development initiatives.

In 2011 the leading local government journal LGC included Justin in their LGC50 publication on the most influential people in local government.

Email me: [email protected]

Submit your ideas and get involved in: http://whatnextforlocalism.org

Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/JustinGriggs

Or visit my blog: http://nalcjustin.wordpress.com

Check out our website: http://nalc.gov.uk

Read LCR, our flagship magazine: http://lcronline.org.uk

For training & development visit: http://ntselearning.co.uk

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Come to our conferences and events: http://nalc.gov.uk/Conferences_Events