Kara Raudenbush

How ironic that I can't even find a decent picture of myself....

I bought my first camera with my 8th grade graduation money.

31 years later I still LOVE to take pictures.

I am a wife, a mom and an entrepreneur.

Kara Raudenbush Photography evolved after our third child was born. My business enabled me to have a schedule that fit our lifestyle. I also started working as a sales rep and lead photographer for a sports/school photography company called Showstopper Photography.

I learn something new everyday. It's as simple as that.

Life handed me "lemons" in 2008 when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My "lemonade" is our MS 150 City to Shore team Raudies Riders and a new concept in photography - DIY Photo Club where anyone who loves photography as much as I do can take their own pictures.