Shalamon Baskin
Hamont-Achel, Belgium
Shalamon Baskin
Hamont-Achel, Belgium
A long and successful career based on serendipity. He will be the first to tell You He fell into the Music industry by accident. Although His skills more than justify Him being here still. Shamrock, as His friends call him, is a Songwriter with the ability to adapt to any style, jaunder or group of people He is writing with. One writing friend said "You are great at finding the Soul of a song". This is true and could not be said better. It is a wonder Shamrock is not as 'big' now as he He should be...That is coming.
Sales so far 10 million plus. Last year He added another 500,000 sales. A number 1 single and album in Japan with Kara, along with 12 other releases. This year 2013 has started with 2 releases a month as a songwriter or performer.
Groups: T-Spoon, Hi Tek 3, LightWarrior