Lisa G. Shore
Writer in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Lisa G. Shore
Writer in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Who is my target audience?
People always ask me this and the answer gets me very excited! I write for the people who are going to run our world one day. If I can reach out and touch a young person's heart with my words, and make them stronger, wiser and a better person, this is my whole reason for my labour of love.
I write to advocate tolerance for others, while maintaining a strong belief in ourselves. I open doors to other worlds and have the reader peer through windows into other cultures and make them fall in love with the characters who have been brought to life by my pen.
My books mirror my beliefs that there is power in forgiveness and strength in humility and if we set our sights on living our best lives, the universe will deliver them at our feet.
My target audience are the leaders of tomorrow and the mothers of the next generation. Who, possibly, could be more important?