Lynn Renee Maxcy

I’ve worked all over the place – in coffee shops, in insurance cubicles, in PR, in creative outlets. But I live and love and breathe writing. I’ve written for online magazines and webzines, I’ve published short stories, and I’ve even done a bit of company branding here and there. My newest adventure has been three years of crazy, amazing, and I-wouldn’t-trade-it-for-the-world kind of stuff. Oh, and I dream in coffee. I try to write here as often as I can – I’d love to hear your thoughts! As Madeleine L’Engle says in her amazing book Walking on Water,“…to serve any discipline of art… is to affirm meaning despite all the ambiguities and tragedy and misunderstanding which surrounds us.” I write because I believe that, in the midst of our crazy world, there is always room for hope and authenticity and truth. Want to come along on the journey?