Megan Spence

Student in England, United Kingdom

Read my blog

I'm a 21 year old university student who has been diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukaemia and recently underwent a stem cell transplant with some lovely cells donated by my amazing brother. This blog is for me, friends & family and others who want to read about my 'journey' (people seem to like to call it this).

**Warning- This blog contains strong language and sick, twisted humour & sarcasm throughout**

Some people may get offended, but this is MY blog about MY journey & thats MY way of dealing with it.

PS- I've been through lots of rounds of chemo, full body radiotherapy and a whole load of other shit, on stupid amount of drugs and steroids that my spelling grammar and head is all over the place, so please excuse.

Enjoy x

Twitter- MeganSpence95

& Instagram- megansspence