Michael David Lockhart

I write stuff.

I post links and quotes on FB. I Tweet with a modicum of alacrity. I keep a blog that takes swipes at everything from writing and poetry, to life and current events, to my mother's ongoing adventure with ALZ, to the trials (and errors) of trying to complete my first epic fantasy manuscript and navigate the minefields of modern-day publishing without losing my hope or optimism. It's eclectic, like me, and I make no apologies. (Unless I'm, you know, wrong.) If I hit the mark, ever, I'll usualy chalk it up to the "blind squirrel finding the odd acorn" rule of the universe.

The manuscript is my life. That might be hyperbole, but not by much. It currently sits heavy (but in a lean, healthy way) at around 170,000 words. Epic should not just clarify that there is magic and swordplay. Epic should mean giant canvases, story arcs that create altitude, massive upheavals, and unmeasurable stakes. And epic means something should take more than a day to read, even when it keeps you reading all night. That's what I'm shooting for.

As of May of 2011 the beta version of the manuscript is in the hands of trusted readers. Final revisions and the start of an agent search are pending...

Please, feel free to join me, but bring your own straight jacket.


Oh, I also pay my keep by writing and editing on the side at MDL Comunication Design: Web site text, and professional and commercial writing and editing. (Straight jacket not required.)