Mike Gosling

Gold Coast, Queensland

▌●● Mike Gosling – Executive Coach at www.MikeGosling.com ●●▌ I use this account for personal communication with real world friends and family. If you'd like to connect around the topics I blog on please check out: - http://www.facebook.com/emotionalleader https://www.facebook.com/EmotionMattersPage Mike Gosling Ph.D. is an Author, Trainer, Consultant and Executive Coach. I help people grow and bring clarity, purpose, happiness and abundance to their lives. In 2002 I created EASEQuadrant, a systematic method for coaching behavior change centred on the MSCEIT™ ability model of emotional intelligence. This work was in support of my Ph.D. thesis, which examined the emotional intelligence of managers in Singapore. Using EASEQuadrant as a framework, I developed The Emotional Leader Program (ELPro), which I have used to personally guide senior level executives and others succeed in the progressive realization of their goals. I have produced of 26 online video digital products and 4 eBooks on improving relationships. These training products and online resources have already helped thousands of people worldwide manage their emotions and live a more meaningful life. In 2011 - I founded www.EmotionMatters.com with my wife and business partner, Karen Gosling, as our online community for people who want to build better relationships. Born in Suva, Fiji Islands - I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, with Karen and our second son, William. Our eldest son, Daniel, lives in Melbourne, Victoria, where he is a skilled lighting designer at www.GoslingProductions.com. I have three daughters by a former marriage and seven grandkids. I don't believe in retirement. I am committed to living life in crescendo, meaning my most important work is ahead of me, not behind me. I plan on spending a lot of that time in Fiji. I love to read, study, write and teach emotional leadership. I weave this work in all that I do and promote universal principles in my family circle and within all my professional and personal relationships. I try to walk on the beautiful Gold Coast Broadwater and swim in the ocean three times a week. I try to eat right to keep fit. And my greatest joy is my family and life with Karen.

  • Work
    • EmotionMatters
  • Education
    • Suva Grammar School, Suva, Fiji
    • University of South Australia