Natasha D'Agui

Ottawa, Ontario

Natasha D'Agui

Ottawa, Ontario

Three years ago I started my own baking business; Goldengredients Baked Goods.

Goldengredients is a specialty baking business that caters to those to who have restrictions in their diets, such as gluten and dairy. I started baking primarily to cater to my own dietary sensitivities, but soon found there was passion behind everything I baked. I fell in love with creating new and delicious recipes, as well as perfecting gluten free deserts.

I began selling my products at local farmers markets and at various events in Ottawa. Before I knew it, I was catering bridal showers, weddings, and birthday parties too. Although the demand for my product was increasing, I felt very overwhelmed with every other aspect of my business that didn't involve baking. I could see that my company was growing, however; I felt that I didn't possess the business knowledge I needed to take it any further. I understood then that in order to achieve the level of success I wished to attain, I would need to broaden my understanding of business.

After much thought, I decided to scale back the amount of baking I was doing. I enrolled in Algonquin College's Business Management and Entrepreneurship Program with the goal of acquiring the knowledge I didn't have before, to take my business in the direction I dream it can go.

  • Work
    • Member Service Rep @ Alterna Savings Credit Union
  • Education
    • Algonquin College Business Management and Entrepreneurship