Nicolette Stanton

Nicolette Stanton is a social entrepreneur, nonprofit consultant and photographer. She is passionate about empowering new leaders, transforming communities & encouraging dream fulfillment. As the founder of, she celebrates individuals that spread love in their communities, and encourages others to join the ispreadlove movement. She is a dreamer and doer on a mission to help others dream & do...all the while sharing these stories through her photography.

As a consultant & trainer, she specializes in “social change media” partnering with nonprofits to improve relationship marketing, build effective networks, implement social media plans, and personal development. Nicolette has designed workshops focusing on personal branding, social media for nonprofits, mission marketing, and network building. She is recognized as one of the thought leaders in the social sector & in nonprofit new media. Nicolette spreads love and is on a mission to help you spread love too...more effectively. follow her @nicspreadslove