Erika Stroh, MA
Hewlett, New York
I am passionate about sharing my extensive knowledge & professional/personal experience, supportin,educating & inspiring parents & caregivers who affect the lives of children. My mission is to empower, enlighten, enrich & engage families "face-to-face" in local communities here on Long Island & NYC as well as globally. Parent From The Heart offers a range of personalized services designed specifically to help & guide individual families & schools:
- better understand the unique needs, feelings & behaviors associated with developing healthy family relationships
- active listening & communication skills
- character education through developing strengths
- positive psychology & learned optimism (resiliency)
- discipline strategies, role modeling & boundaries
- understanding a child's physical & emotional stages of development (infants - young adults)
- exploring tradional vs. modern styles of parenting
- the stresses/challenges relevant to becoming parents & the birth of a child when starting a family
- parents as partners (evolving & growing together)
- outside influences (technology, media, community)
- character education (accentuate positive strengths)
- core values, traditions & rituals (sense of belonging)
- teaching essential life skills that will nurture healthy, connected, compassionate, respectful relationships within families, schools & communities everywhere.
- staff development/leadership training
- peer mediation & conflict resolution skills