Paul de Souza

Cyberspace Operations in Washington, DC

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Paul de Souza, Founder/President of CSFI (Cyber Security Forum Initiative) and its divisions CSFI-CWD (Cyber Warfare Division) and CSFI-LPD (Law and Policy Division).

Specialties: Cyber Warfare/Cyber Security SME


Paul is the co-author of the book Strategic Intelligence Management (National Cyber Defense Strategy), he serves as an advisor for the MCPA (Military Cyber Professionals Association), and he is a recipient of the Order of Thor Medal. Paul serves as a CENTRIC (Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, and Intelligence & Organized Crime Research) Visiting Researcher at Sheffield Hallam University, UK, and served as a Visiting Research Fellow at the National Security Studies, Tel Aviv University, Israel (INSS) – Cyber Security and Military & Strategic affairs Programs.

He served as a Federal Director of Training and Education for Norman Data Defense Systems, and he also teaches Cyber Defense Strategies at George Washington University.

Mr. de Souza has over 15 years of cyber security experience and has worked as the Chief Security Engineer for AT&T, where he designed and approved secure networks for MSS (Managed Security Services). Mr. de Souza also worked for Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and US Robotics as a security engineer. He has consulted for several governments, military organizations, and private institutions on best network security practices and has also presented in the countries of Estonia, Georgia, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Romania, Turkey, as well as all across the United States.

Some of his publications include: Internet and Internet Communication(s); Strategic Alliance Management – National Security Imperatives and Information and Communications Technologies. Mr. de Souza has a Masters in National Security Studies (MA) with concentration in Terrorism from American Military University, West Virginia VA.

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