Helene Kontchou

Data Scientist, Writer, and Happiness Coach in Paris

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Hi, I’m Helene Kontchou. I’m a famous Data Scientist, Writer, and Happiness Coach in Paris. I'm a fan of music, beaux-arts, yoga, storytelling and travelling. Guess what, I'm also an Artist Dreamer. This is what I see when I'm daydreaming;)

"C'est faire confiance à la vie que de se mesurer à l'impossible" Ionesco.

"My dream is to inspire people to build the United States of Earth for All (USEA), a one single, large, happy, home country for every humans being.

The dream of a planet wisely and swiftly shifted back to a "World as One", an edenic reunified “Planetary Village” full of understanding, love, serenity, brotherhood, synergies, beauty, richness, freedom, balanced migrations, equal human rights and opportunities, respect for human and nature diversity; sharing a common currency, as well as, a core of challenges, ideals, policies and resources.

My ambition is to share this dream, through my innovative and visionary organisation “Peps et Sourire”, to all becoming "Planetriots"*.

[*"Planetriot" means being Patriot of our precious gifted common Earth Planet coming first prior to all other patriotism or allegiance to any geographical area (country, city, village, region, continent…) or ethnicity or religion.]

Therefore, to dare going far beyond a legacy of fears of migrants or nombrilist desires of geopolitical and economic omnipotence of our only lobby, country, region, continent or ethnicity, religion, culture, political or economic system.

Actually, as incredible to believe as it may appear, the inescapable, most efficient solution to tough global issues of our planet such as indigence, racisms, wars, terrorism, high unemployment, developing issues, immigration crisis, environmental challenges, increasing society unhappiness, simply starts here, within our reach, in this CHANGE of paradigm:

Oui, mon Pays c'est la Terre, la nôtre à tous! Mon Monde c'est l'Univers! Et vous?

En fait, Planétriotes, Nous le sommes Tous!"


We share the same dream or you just like/hate/"?how" this idea? Make this conversation viral. Humanists, globalists, dreamers and pioneers such as Diogenes, Kant, Woodrow Wilson, Lénine, MLK, Conficius, Bob Marley, Gandhi, MJ, Mandela or John Lenon, ahead us, opened the doors for us to go further.

Dear Planetriots, let's all dare to “Make Earth Happy Again”! ;)

Curious to get a quick glance on “Peps et Sourire” Universe on YouTube? Click on “Watch my videos”. Be amazed!

To check out my Happiness tips on Pinterest, click on "P" down below. Enjoy!

  • Education
    • Data Science Engineering, ENSAI - France
    • Communication in Business, Harvard University -USA
    • The Science of Well Being, Yale University - USA
    • Economics Research, Sorbonne University - France
    • CPGE MathSpé MP*, Lycée Buffon, France