Peter Leung

As Financial Consultant for "Canada's BIGGEST asset manager" (Quote taken from

Little known FACTS:

  1. Our past 15 year track record has beaten Berkshire by a wide margin (Source Globe and Mail).
  2. There are safe investments out there that have had a 60 year track record of 8.9% based on a dividend scale interest rate. In 2008, 2011 had a dividend scale interest rate of 7.71% and 7.36% respectively.
  3. 87% of Canadian boomers feel they are not ready for retirement.
  4. People who working with an advisor tend to have 2.7 to 5.3 time more in investible assets.

My job is to help people:

  1. Pay less; in taxes, for their home and other major purchases on their insurance.
  2. Protect your greatest assets and the ones you love
  3. Provide you with great investment advice
  4. Get you to the retirement you deserve
  5. Ensure that the CRA is not your biggest heir

If you are interested in doing better for yourself give me a shout, (416) 727-3131.