Philip Tirone

Philip Tirone has a unique background in credit scoring, credit repair, and credit improvement after looking at tens of thousands of credit reports, as a mortgage banker for 14 years. As one of American's Financial Literacy Advocates and credit scoring / improvement/ repair expert, he created a program called "The 14 Day Credit Challenge" where his students can completely transform their financial life by investing 10-20 minutes per day, for 14 days. Philip is the ultimate comeback kid. He was denied entrance into all universities except one, which accepted him on the condition that he enrolled in remedial English. Four years later, he graduated from Arizona State University as Man of the Year. Philip believes in multipliers, and is focused on spreading his credit-scoring / credit repair / credit improvement message to multiple people at the same time. This is why, as a credit repair expert, he primarily delivers his credit scoring message via webinar, so his students do not have to travel, and can learn about how to improve their credit from their home computer without having to show their credit report to anyone. Philip believes that unique situations create an exceptional man. As a young man, he volunteered in Calcutta with Mother Teresa. He once lived in an 800-square-foot home in Mexico with nine people and no running water. He almost entered the Catholic seminary; when he realized he was not being called to the priesthood, he created a program that increased enrollment to the priesthood for the Los Angeles diocese by 500 percent in two years. Philip is a private pilot and an active member of the Catholic Church, the National Center for Fathering, and various other nonprofit groups.