It's Time to Potty

Blogger in New York

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When to start potty training. If your child is near or has passed his first birthday, you can begin incorporating potty training ideas into his life. They are simple things that will lay the groundwork for potty training and will make the process much easier when you're ready to begin.

If your child is not physically and emotionally ready to train, you will be setting up both you and your child for frustration and disappointment. And possibly delaying completion of training for weeks, months, even years.

I also do not recommend buying a potty chair; unless the parents specifically tell you that they are potty training, potty toys/books/etc are not appropriate. You may think that the child is old enough for potty training, but it is the parents' place to make that decision.

Diapers and diaper-type toddler underwear are a no-no! Resist the temptation to switch back and forth between regular underwear and diapers. If a child knows that they have a choice they will choose the easier road. Only use diapers at naptime and bedtime. The rest of the day is regular underpants. Try to clear your schedule for a week so you can stay home or have your child stay home with a patient caregiver during this time. This will make it easier on both you and the child. Sometimes you just can't stay home, so try to make your trips short and make use of the plastic type of training underwear that go over the cloth underpants. Also take a potty along in the car for convenience.

Children with confidence are more likely to help others, be positive, handle peer pressure, act independently, be responsible and take pride in their accomplishments. This leads to further accomplishments both as children and adults.

Keep your child's emotional well-being in mind at all times. Frustration and stress on your part will hamper the potty training process. Always show love and understanding to your toddler as take this big step in life.

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