REV ROCK / Evangelist

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In 2004 Satan had Kevin ROCK Reiss backed up against the ropes. Although it would have seemed all hopes were lost and this one time "Man Of God" who was recognized by many as simply "SOUL WINNER"... now was feeling a Modern Day Job Story at it's deepest test. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit ROCK traveled to California to live with Dr Nova Dean Pack an Apostle of Jesus Christ. Their, he was loved and encouraged by the PACK Family, and told that Satan had NOT defeated him, but rather, that he was a Mighty Man of God, who was gifted, anointed, and called to Evangelism. That someday he would do great things unto the Lord as a Kingdom Builder, and that he would surely REACH the NATIONS. Of course these were confirmations of DREAMS & VISIONS ROCK had already been experiencing.