Rev Ronald French
disabled in United States
"BeBlessed: ~ Define your own paradigm
Be Cursed: ~ Be defined byone"
Atan early age I knew I was different from my peers. My fascinationwith the occult lead me to an immersion of study and dissecting theknowledge from books on the occult and paranormal printed in the1500sto 1970s .
"I believe in the science behind 'magic' and if something presentsitself unexplained I will not deny its existence I will however,dog~ear the event for further study"
Iam an Independent Philosophical Satanist (LaVeyan) , Pantheist(Everything is energy), Occultist (studies everything of selfinterest from Crowley to remote viewing). Being ordained in various ministries not including my own Ministry. I often find myself in therole of life / spiritual coach. With my unique views with theparanormal, supernatural, and anything that goes bump in the night Ialso find myself in the role of consultant to Psychics.
Oneof the most reputable qualities I have is that I like to see theperson behind the curtain.
"Manypeople in the 'magical' world present themselves like characters in acartoon or dungeon and dragons game. What I find is not only aretheir lies disheartening but the Gullible who follow them. Believe meyou will be more than surprised who is holding your hand reading yourfuture...
"Thereare Witches who have businesses.
There are those who are inbusiness to be witches"
Asapart of my beliefs I have been preaching a universal message onlinefor people to work on their core....
"Just like the rings of a cut tree you must first start from thecenter (that being you) and work outward this way you are not onlygood for yourself you will be good to the world around you").
Today:As we face 2021 head on I am still recovering from a vehicle accidentthat occurred in April 2015.