Richy Glassberg

CEO and Advisor in New York

Richy Glassberg

CEO and Advisor in New York

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Digital pioneer last 23 years. Six start ups: three inside of big media companies, three outside. 33 years in Media.

Founding team CEO/Founder Phase2media. Co-Founder IAB. Co-Founding Board Member MTVN, Turner Broadcasting, News Corp. Pivoted & sold Medialets to WPP. CEO post acquisition.


• Recognized leader and change agent Digital Media, Ad Tech and Broadcast/Cable: Builds companies, sells companies, identifies issues, develops strategies, executes action plans to achieve goals and profitability. Integral part of senior teams successfully executing four exits / liquidity events valued at over $3.2 billion.
• Communicator and insprirational corporate guide: Builds consensus, leads organizational decisions; sets mission-critical goals and objectives.
• Mission and Strategy Execution: Develops strategies, motivates teams, manages P&L and executes organizational initiatives. Defines corporate goals, recruits high functioning teams, ensures corporate mission integration.
• Business Champion: Leads internal groups; oversees public communications, represents organization to Board of Directors and external groups. Key figure in six start-up organizations, including three inside large broadcasting/digital publishing companies. Strong recruiter, mentor and evaluator of talent.
• Industry Leader: Created IAB, digital advertising industry’s pre-eminent industry trade group (Internet Advertising Bureau). Served organization as vice chairman during formative years. Created initial digital era standards, catapulting nascent industry forward. Widely recognized for creating revenue streams in digital space.
• Civic Leader: Co-Founder of, largest informational site for women facing breast cancer. BCO serves over 23 million unique women world-wide every year. Raised over $80 million in donations; created innovative revenue streams through ads and sponsorships. 18 year member of Board of Directors.

  • Work
    • REGVirtual CEO
  • Education
    • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute