Daniele Pipitone

Student, Software Engineer, and Musician in Marsala, Italy

I was born in Italy (Iseo) 28 years ago, then I came back to my parents's Sicily.....

I like Math and Programming.
I love Physics and Music.

I'm addicted to Linux, FOSS, Python, JS and WebDev and many other beautiful acronyms.

Currently I'm working on webapps development through different Frameworks and different approaches.
I'm into JS functional programming and prototypal solutions.

My goal is to make use of the Freedom of Free Software to create business, solve people's problems, emancipate creativity.

I'm experienced in managing and building up touristic realities.

I pay great attention to fitness, my diet,
"Mens sana in corpore sano" is a great motto.

  • Education
    • University of Palermo