Jason Schaumleffel
Zanesville, Ohio United States
I am currently enrolled at Muskingum University studying political science, economics, and communications. I am involved in Forensics: Speech and Debate as well as my college media, OrbitMedia. I enjoy life and love living it to its fullest. I am very skilled with computers and find enjoyment in learning how to do new things. I love politics and have many advanced ideas and experience with research. My life long goal is to become President and be a inspiration to others. My hobby is photography, which is more of a family inspired hobby. I, like many other teenagers play video games and I have a Xbox 360. I would say my iPhone is my most used device and basically holds my life on it. I try to look for the best in people and be open to looking at all sides, even when I favor or agree with one. I am a Christian, but I respect peoples views and opinions regarding religion and all subject matters.