Scott Thomas Outlar

Writer in Georgia

Scott Thomas Outlar

Writer in Georgia

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Scott Thomas Outlar survived both the primordial fire and the cataclysmic flood – now he dances in celebration while waiting on the next round of chaos to commence. Otherwise, he keeps things pretty chill, spending the days reading, researching, feasting, fasting, taking meditative walks, gazing at stars, laughing at life’s existential problems, swinging to the rhythms of nature’s celestial song, flowing and fluxing with the waves of the Cosmic Tao River, and writing prose-fusion poetry, fiction, essays, rants, ravings, screeds, manifestos, and wild, hallucinatory, psychedelic meanderings through the dualistic mind dedicated to the Renaissance Revolution of the Phoenix Generation.

Outlar has had more than 1,800 poems published in over 360 literary venues since beginning to submit his work in 2014, along with dozens of essays, articles, and short stories. His work received a Best of the Net nomination in 2015, and three Pushcart Prize nominations in 2016. His poem “Kingdom of Chaos” won the 2016 Nibstears Poetry Cave Contest in Nigeria. He received the 2017 Award for Excellence in the field of Literature from Setu Magazine. Selections of his poetry have been translated into Albanian, Afrikaans, Persian, Italian, French, Dutch, Kurdish, and Serbian.

His sixth book, Of Sand and Sugar, was released in 2019 through Cyberwit Press. More about his work can be found at