About ShortbreadSwee-T's

I ‘m a mother, a poet, a blogger, a shortbread cookie fanatic, and a cancer survivor. My roots stem from the south, but living in Los Angeles most of my life has exposed me to many cultures, flavors, traditions, and lifestyles. When it comes to cookies, I’ve got options, but my favorite cookie has always been “Lorna Doone” shortbread cookies.

I grew up with a mother who was an exceptional cook, and I can’t help flashing back on childhood memories of my mom cooking and baking and creating great recipes (and she’s still at it). For as long as I can remember baking has always felt natural to me, but I never tried my hand at shortbread until now. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree : )

During a 6 week break from work I decided that I would revamp a home-made recipe for shortbread cookies, and to my surprise, it was a huge success. Shortbread has become my specialty, and I’ve been baking like a cookie banshee (wee hours of the morning, middle of the night, etc.). It’s amazing how my life has been altered by butter, flour, and sugar.

Shortbread cookies are all I think about these days. I think it even replaced my need to write (SweetPoet65′s Memoirs), and for people who know me personally, that’s saying a lot! I spend a lot of time thinking about new flavors for my cookies. My son helps out by pitching his ideas and my job is to make it happen.

ShortbreadSwee-T’s was created out of desire and demand, and I’m loving every minute of it. I love preparing and presenting my cookies, but most of all I love watching others enjoy them.

I still love “Lorna Doone” cookies, but ShortbreadSwee-T's are my new favorite. After many trials and errors, I’ve come up with a gourmet shortbread that is richer and softer than the cookies I grew up admiring.

This is a venture from the heart, and ShortbreadSwee-T’s are home-made cookies and sweet treats that are handmade with Love.