Simone Williams

Simone Williams

Name: Simone S.N Williams
AKA : Sim Sim, Simma or Simz
D.o.b: Oct. 29 1991
Height: 5 ft 1 inches

Hobbies Include:
Fashion designing
Art / Make up Artistry
Modeling / Photo shoots
Socializing and Networking avid Promoter

References include:
Street Vybz rum
Bullet Energy drink
BNM ( photo shoot)
Commercial (Appleton jamaica )
Roughrider condom
LIME promotions (telephone company)
Music Videos : T.O.K Gypsy Wine, Cham Drop it (like yu doing it) Shurwayne Winchester Wine Pon it
Just To name a Few .

Hailing From St. Andrew I was raised as a strong black woman, born October 29, 1991 i am a true Scorpio, Who loves Fashion, Art and music . Curvatiously set as body hosts 34 b bust , 28 inch waist, tiny feet and hands with a smile worth dazing at. I am a hard working and intelligent young lady who aspires so much more myself ; I pride myself on the network built and try to be more of a business and less of a promotional tool . Standing straight at 5'1 inches am a proud , ambitious and grounded young woman in excellent command of the English language and communicates effectively and efficiently on any given level . The mind is as beautiful as the face and body.