Suresh K Goswami
Filmmaker in Lavasa, India
Suresh K Goswami
Filmmaker in Lavasa, India
I am a filmmaker at Creative Technology currently living in Lavasa, India. My interests range from entrepreneurship to movies. I am also interested in writing, arts, and photography. During my long standing career as a professional Chief Executive and Managing Director of many multinationals in Europe, Africa and Middle East I had this passionate urge to write, especially about my experiences highlighting sensitive social issues that are manifested in the lives of millions of fellow human beings. But it took me to cross 60 years of my life to listen my inner self and it was at this point that I left whatever I was doing and took to creative writing. I wrote a couple of scripts and in 2011 I made my first independent film, converting one of my favorite scripts into an award winning feature film “Ziyarat” that earned ample awards and recognition across the globe. I made another award winning documentary “My Heroes”, which won the best documentary film in almost 20 International Film Festivals including We Care - a UN enabled film festival. I founded the Delhi International Film Festival in 2012 along with a few friends and associates. Of recent my films “Warasgaon Warriors” and “Love Birds” have emerged as award winning films. I continued to write few other stories but concentrated on my book Burning Sapphires which was completed recently and published by Partridge, a Penguin company. The book was honored at the Hollywood Book Festival, Los Angeles and has reached the Table of Honor. It was also a the Best Book at Lit-o-Fest, the Mumbai Literary Festival 28 Feb-1st March 2015. In 2018 I made another award winning film Parastish RoohSe - Spiritual Worship. Currently working on feature length film "My Paradise has no Angels", I look forward to make films and pen down many stories from the terror ridden Valley of Kashmir-a paradise lost, which happens to be my mother land and from the existing social causes globally. My latest short film Parastish RoohSe - Spiritual Worship is released for festivals. It got tremendous recognition and awards.
On 1st December I founded Waterfront Festival of International Films Lavasa. The first season is going on right now. My latest film is a feature documentary "The Iron Lady of Kashmir"which was completed on 08 January 2021 and released to the International film festivals. Founded Delhi International Film Festival in 2012, and in 2020 I founded Waterfront Festival of International Films Lavasa,