Emma Fay Jackson

MotherGrandMotherStocker in Decatur, AL

Emma Fay Jackson

MotherGrandMotherStocker in Decatur, AL

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I am the Real Deal ,I am who I am...I am who I am every day,every time U see me.

I retired a couple year's ago,I still try to keep busy as we need something to keep us feeling good about our selves.

We don't need to just sit around and do nothing it isn't good for us at all. I moved in with my little brother a while back and now,after thing's have changed I'm looking for a place of my own again.

You see I moved in with him to help when he was going to be getting together with a woman from New Jersey and it didn't happen. He's got someone else and he stays with her alot. I hope things work out for them. She has 2 small children a boy and a girl.

I just feel I'm in the way More than a help Now.

Anyway, that's how it is for me these days..lol

My mother Passed away 6 years ago now I took care of her until she passed away.

I am a proud Mother of 4 and Grand mother of 6..

  • Work
    • Retired
  • Education
    • Calhoun Community College
    • Washington College