Terri Cheney
Learning Development Business Partner in Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota
Terri Cheney
Learning Development Business Partner in Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota
WHAT I DO: I help companies create measurable business value from their training efforts. When a needs analysis shows that training is the right tool to address an issue, I establish metrics for the learning solution that are explicitly aligned with business goals.
HOW I DO IT: I design pragmatic resources that fit smoothly into the larger ecosystem of the workplace – whether they look like conventional classroom training and e-learning, or they deploy the expanding universe of digital technologies in ways that support on-the-job performance.I create training materials (and train trainers to use them effectively) that prioritize realistic practice and decision-making that reflects the kinds of choices people have to make in the fast-moving flow of their actual work.
WHY IT MATTERS: Because business expenditures need to produce business results.Because employee face time or screen time away from the job is too scarce and costly a resource to waste on conventional lecture.Because workplace learning should be a high-value component of reaching your company goals.