Tony Wilson
Founded by Alex Lukoff (l) and Tony Wilson (r), The Cigar Guys are a cigar promotions, marketing, event planning, cigar lifestyle distribution and consulting firm.
The Cigar Guys look to promote cigar shops and the natural camaraderie of cigar smoking.
Some of our events include cigar tastings, networking events, poker tournaments, wine tastings, as well as trips and dinners.
We do event planning for companies who want to do cigar related events.
The Cigar Guys can help with your event coordination, as well as supply catering, cigars, cigar servers and even live cigar rollers! If you’ve never been to a party with a live roller, they really provide a great experience for your guests, as well as an excellent finished product.
Check our site, for more about us!
The Cigar Guys are passionate about cigars and the social aspect of the hobby. When Alex moved to LA from Seattle he immersed himself in the community, and built a staggeringly large social network in a very short period of time. Alex and Tony point out that they have very few friends that don't smoke cigars. As Tony always says, "cigars are the great equalizer". He explains, "I am often out and will see a complete stranger smoking a cigar and we will end up in a 20 minute conversation, which then leads to a friendship, all because we both love cigars."
In any given week Tony and Alex will visit between 3 and 5 different cigars shops. "Alex is the writer in this partnership", Tony states. "We visit the shops, have a discussion about what we call the good, the bad and the ugly. Then Alex will put together a review." The Cigar Guys believe that when cigar smokers are out and about, they should have an idea of what’s in the area. Whether you are in Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Long Beach or Newport Beach, don't be surprised if you run into one or both of the guys.
Click on the "Lounge Reviews" to learn about cigar shops in your area, then head out and visit them yourself!