Business Investing Advisor

Trader, Investor, and Investing Advisor in United States

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I have always been interested in investing and setting up the compounding of my savings. It's only more recently though that I have become interested in trading.

Investing is more long term; you research and then you invest, hoping that the stock price goes up. Trading though is capturing price movement on a leg of the overall price action, whether its going up or down.

It much more engaging, and you are more directly involved in the market. You get the pulse of the market, whatever it may be.

I have come to understand through brutal experience that the market is greater than any one of us, and more than any of us can understand, so rather try and sell something on the faux premise that I have it all figured out, I'm just trying to share what I know and help other traders get profitable where I can.

I think that's ultimately all that traders can do for each other. We all have different styles, and we all understand the market in our own way.

This is my attempt to help other traders.
