Tyson Coombs

I moved to Beechwood last year for 7 grade and I have Had more fun this year as an 8 grader then I did last year. A main reason to this is because of the new IBPrep class this year! Through this Stem Lab I have learned so many things that will and are going to benefit my future immensely. I have learned so much about technology it's unbelievable! Before I came to Beechwood and even last year, you could say I knew squat about all this. Meaning about the computers, cameras, Ipads, laptops, Apple technology, computer applications, sound booth equipment, and so much more! I have learned all these cool things you can do on the apple computer, like screen shots, making everything look negative, and more! In STEM, we do many projects. Sometimes small and sometimes big. They all usually have to do with one of two things. Either IBPrep's theme, or Approaches to Learning. IBPrep's theme is three key concepts- Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity- the Three C's. The five Approaches to Learning are 1) Community & Service, 2) Environments, 3) Human Ingenuity, 4) Health & Social Education, and 5) Approaches to Learning. Our IBPrep class is a science class, math class, and a technology class, but combined. All of our projects have to do with mainly those three subjects, but sometimes they are for/about other things/purposes. But the only Project going on all the time is our 20% Project. A 20% Project is a year-long project about something you love or have an intrest/passion about. What my teacher Mr.Diaz is doing is having us turning in products for our 20% projects. So he will give us 4-6 choices and we choose which product we want to do, which are based on your 20% project choice. For example, I'm doing mine on Christianity/Missionary Work. It has been a lot of fun learning about my interest and about technology! I'll say more later, so thanks for reading!