Victoria Westcott

Victoria Westcott is a Movie Producer with Elgin Road Productions Ltd, a production company that she formed with her sister, Jennifer Westcott. They are currently in post-production on the feature film, LOCKED IN A GARAGE BAND - a coming of age comedy about a garage band that gets locked in a garage for a day. The movie will be released in September 2012.

Victoria focuses on the business side of making the movie while her sister focuses on the creative side of the movie business - writing & directing. Victoria also speaks on crowdfunding & movie producing, most recently at TedXVictoria, Film Courage, and LA Screenwriting Expo.

Victoria is also the owner of a teacher recruitment agency, Classroom Canada. She was a primary school teacher herself in London's inner city schools before she started Classroom Canada in 2007. She recruits Canadian teachers to work in London, England.

She wrote the award winning ebook, Guide to Teaching in London: A Survival Guide for Canadians. Victoria has been blogging since 2005. You can read her 2 blogs about teaching & living in London. She's also active in twitter & facebook and loves to spread the word about people doing great work.