Dr. Yemonja Smalls


Dr. Yemonja Smalls received her doctorate at Louisiana State University in clinical psychology, completed her internship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and has worked in numerous clinical settings with children and adults with intellectual and developmental disability. Yemonja has an extensive background in the treatment of behavioral disorders, and has worked for over 15 years with adults and children with developmental disabilities.

“Dr. Y,” as affectionately known, is a self taught artist who gives birth to creations in acrylic paint and other mediums. Vibrant and restorative, Yemonja’s work focuses on human relationships.

The Day It Rained is Yemonja's first children's book. This delightful story opens with little Jamelah sharing her excitement for something she’s waited long and hard for--the Fair. The Day It Rained allows for an intimate peek into the world of Alzheimer’s Disease through the eyes of one little girl whose disappointment is surprisingly dissolved through the unexpected time she shares with her grandmother.

The book offers unique opportunities for open communication with young people about what it means to love someone with Alzheimer's. While aimed at the elementary school-aged crowd, It is my goal to use the book to touch the hearts of not only the children who read it, but their families and caretakers as well. I hope that this book presents you with thoughts of how to let go and love differently, enjoying those unplanned and unscripted moments when everything seems to have been turned upside down.



  • Education
    • Ph.D. from Lousiana State University