Aalok K Biswas
Quality Analyst in New Delhi, India
about me:
Born and raised in Varanasi, Commonly known as a place where Lord Shiva, the creator Himself, is supposed to be present, this city of approximately, and ever growing, population of 25 lac people, is a famous destination among travelers from all over the world. Here, you will find people from as far as Poland, who speak Hindi as fluently as a native can. And its said that, if you are on a world tour and you don't visit Varanasi, your tour is not complete.
Apart from work, here are a lot of other things too, which keep me busy or I pretend to be, all the time. So, that pain gets subdued in the dog-eat-dog corporate brouhaha of this high paced city. Now married and blessed with a beautiful angel of 10 years old. Apart from work and managing the expenses, I am close to lead a cool life. And its my responsibility and not a favor that, every now and then make my own silly contribution to the betterment of this world.
The latest feather in the Cap is DiL TW NOC founded by John Joseph Christopher O'Mahony, my soul bro, and a blessing in disguise.Also Founded individually, VishwaCloud & Anonymous United.