Abbie Coats

Software Engineer, Art Director, and Artist in Oakfield

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A Solomon Health Declaration Card is an important instrument in combating the disease of heart. The principal focus of the card is to highlight the risk factors of heart and also its ailments. In addition they serve as reminders to regular check-ups and screenings by medical professionals, and family members who know of family history. The cards, that may be personalized, are sold through Solomon Health Care System, a not for profit company that offers several kinds of services. The services include Heart Disease Education and Prevention, Heart Attack Screening, Chronic Disease Management, and Diabetes Management.

As per the definition, the cards have been given to every family member and partner as a way of informing them about the family's health status and the preventative measures they should follow. There's also a concise background info on the cards, for example, purpose and process of design. Each individual card has a unique holographic image that's exclusive for this. Additionally, it has a primary and secondary picture. The hologram on the primary card is randomly chosen from a wide range of the populace, while the card is randomly chosen from one of the people of the household.

Each person card also has a collection of questionnaires attached to it. These questionnaires are based on diagnostic and other questionnaires intended for general wellbeing evaluation. Usually, a patient is asked about their history of heart-related problems, previous medical remedies and at least lifestyle and diet issue. The questions cover such aspects as smoking, alcohol use, blood pressure, salt consumption, diet, exercise, cholesterol levels, and some other genetic predispositions towards heart disease or other ailments. An individual card also contains surveys covering important areas like present diet, exercise regimes, daily chores, fruits, vegetables, fruits, and vitamins.

People diagnosed with heart disease and who don't undergo treatment within time can develop this illness. This problem is known as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). This is the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes in the USA and on earth. CAD can be controlled simply by keeping your eye on the foods you eat, how much you drink, and whether you smoke. These are only a couple of things a Solomon Health Declaration Card may contain.