Abdu Dandridge

Abdu Dandridge

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Pressure Entertainment, founded by Abdu Dandridge, is an independent film production company/studio based in New York that specializes in writing, producing, directing and editing music videos, commercials and full length featured films.. In 1990 Abdu Dandridge began learning the process of filmmaking. He has written, produced, and directed the hilarious sketch comedy No B.S. Allowed aired on Brooklyn community access television in several counties in New York State for three years. In 1994 Abdu Dandridge started Pressure Entertainment, Inc. to continue his love for filmmaking. He has written eight full-feature screenplays and directed numerous music videos for independent record labels such as A.I.O Entertainment and Paperchase records. Abdu Dandridge has also written, produced, directed and won an award for best music video of the year @ the 2010 South Carolina Music Awards. 2012 will be his first full length featured film national release that he has written, directed, produced and edited titled "Pressure".