Adam Sobol
Small Business Owner, Designer, and Web Developer in Chicago, Illinois
Adam Sobol
Small Business Owner, Designer, and Web Developer in Chicago, Illinois
I am naturally curious and intellectually sound. Ever since I was a young child I always had a strong desire to build products that help people and change the world. Growing up, I loved learning and often asked thousands of questions. In high school I discovered the magic behind the computer; and started coding. My life changed when I learned that you could sit down and type out something and it would show up on the screen. By the time college rolled around, I was already building technology products for people and organizations who needed help. I could see my tangible work improving other people's lives, I was hooked. College was a new zone, a place where I could reignite my curiosity and explore new people, thoughts and ideas. I also started a few businesses and learned how when you want something bad enough, more than you want to party, more than you want to sleep, then you can be successful.
For the past 2 years now, I have been working on a wearable technology startup for seniors living with dementia and Alzheimer's. My team and I really believe that smart technologies have a big opportunity to help seniors stay safe with increased quality of life and provide caregivers with tools to better manage seniors.