Designer, Artist, and Art Director in Gouvernorat de Bizerte, Tunisie

Listen to my music

Aymen Dhaouadi (@AymandoMusic)🐙 🔥💯📻 🎹

Infographien -graphics " motion graphics- bande dessinee ,Music Producer (Techno . Black Techno , House Music EDM) and more from Tunisia .
Welcome to my World

🌐Digitalchannel (Blogger): #Digitalchannel is the trade name of a group of #channels created in 2017, belonging to the #aDesignMedia group. It is the first private #technologychannel .

Aymen has had an insatiable passion for writing since he was in school and found himself writing philosophical . Later, he realized this was pretty much his only marketable skill, so he first created a personal blog and then discovered his true calling, which is writing about all things ,tech (in English).

🎓Title of the Diploma awarded

🎓☑️Diploma of Baccalaureat Section Letters📚
🖌Acquired skills:
Specific skills in design, design, aesthetic production, expression techniques, publishing, dissemination, Illustration and comic design...


🎓☑️Diplome Nacional de Licence Appliquee en ARTS ET METIERS: Arts Visuels – Design Image:

📐📏✏️Illustration et Bande Dessinée


🎓☑️MASTER PROFISSIONNEL DE DESIGN: Design Produit – Spécialité : Création Artisanale

- Des compétences spécifiques dans la conception, le design et la technologie, la production esthétique, techniques d'expression, la publication, la diffusion et l'évaluation du contenu multimédia...


"Graphic-Motion Graphic -Film industry and Bande Dessinee...

  • Work
    • Tunisia
  • Education
    • Design Image - DJ/Producer
    • graphics " motion graphics- BD & Music Producer